Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday morning waking up

Dear Sunday morning,

Why am I up at 7:00 a.m for no reason?



Dear wedding dress,

I don't think I like you. You just don't fit right. Probably, this makes me psycho.



Dear ukulele,

I'm sorry I have not practiced you much this week. I guess I am lazy.



Dear Taylor Lautner,

Please stop being good-looking. It creeps me out that I find you attractive.



Anonymous said...

my uke is so lonely. i haven't played him in weeks! i feel so guilty! that's what i get for naming inanimate objects....

Laura. said...

I also chide myself for my attraction to Taylor Lautner. I try to think of it as appreciation for fine art (the physique, not the movies)!

Jane said...

wanderingtex - I know exactly how you feel. I don't want to force myself to practice... but I probably should.

Aura - That's actually a really good point. I'm not really attracted to Taylor Lautner, I just find him attractive. Yay! I'm not a perv!

Kim said...

I definitely agree with the last one. It creeps me out as well.

Jane said...

Kim - I'm definitely going to go with Aura's explanation.