Thursday, September 3, 2009

Halloween again

Dear Internets,

Yes, I'm posting about Halloween. Sure, it's only early September, but I'm already getting costume catalogs in the mail, so I think it's allowed.

So. You know that I love teh Halloween. You also know that maybe, just maybe, I'm more of a fan of the trick-or-treaty cute Halloween than I am of the dress-like-a-ho-and-flaunt-your-booty-on-6th-Street Halloween. I just appreciate creative or scary costumes more than the "my costume is that I'm not really wearing any clothes" take on Halloween.

So you can imagine how disturbed I was to see this costume in a catalog that Achilles received in the mail:

Your eyes do not deceive you, Internets. That is indeed a slutty hobo costume. (Must... not... make... joke... about... riding... her... train...)

-insert head exploding-

Sure, Halloween costumes don't have to represent things that exist in real life. But really. Isn't there another word for people who dress like hookers and don't have homes? And isn't that word "hookers"?

The costume itself is not the only thing that bugs me. I really believe that hobo costumes should be reserved for people who wait until the last minute to think of a costume idea. People should not pay money (or at least not more than $5 at Goodwill) to be a hobo, gypsy, or similar. What's next? A hoochie ghost?

We have to stop this, Internets. Who's with me?

Love always,


doahleigh said...

I am SOOO with you. I sort of wrote about it here:

I hate this trend. Except shouldn't the slutty hobo's shorts be a little shorter? Like say, barely covering her ass. Isn't that how it works?

Kim said...

I'm with you! Sign me up.

I love that it's a slutty hobo. Wouldn't a slutty hobo have more money to be at least a poor prostitute?

Anonymous said...

I am with you!!

;) Even though I have never dressed up for halloween (not so big here in SA) I would like to see some damn creativity man. Maybe I'll throw a party this year. And everyone has to dress up. Mmmm.

tal said...

this post was so funny! "Sure, Halloween costumes don't have to represent things that exist in real life. But really. Isn't there another word for people who dress like hookers and don't have homes? And isn't that word "hookers"?" perfect.

tal said...

this post was so funny! "Sure, Halloween costumes don't have to represent things that exist in real life. But really. Isn't there another word for people who dress like hookers and don't have homes? And isn't that word "hookers"?" perfect.

Hillary said...

I think the costume industry has hit rock bottom with the slutty hobo.

Lauren said...

Slutty...hobo...costume? Oh dear god.

(It's kind of sad how excited I am about Halloween, by the way. Still have to pick my costume. Definitely won't be a slutty hobo.)